/ ニュース / アクリル浴槽の長所と短所


アクリル浴槽 are one of the trendiest choices among tubs because of their affordability & ease of maintenance. They also come in a variety of styles, colors sizes to suit homeowners’ preferences. The nonporous surface prevents mildew & mold buildup, and the color stays consistent throughout the lifespan of the tub. Additionally, acrylic is a lightweight material that doesn’t require any extra floor reinforcement, making installation much easier.

アクリルは耐久性のある素材ですが、適切な洗浄技術を使用しないと汚れが付着しやすくなります。表面が柔らかいため、アクリル浴槽には研磨剤の入った洗剤を使用しないことが重要です。特に、アセトンは表面に永久的な損傷を与える可能性があるため、使用しないでください。代わりに、アクリルに安全な優しい浴室用クリーナー スプレーを選択するか、頑固な汚れには酢と水を混ぜたシンプルなスプレーを選択してください。


When deciding between an acrylic or fiberglass tub, it’s important to consider all of the pros and cons. Although an acrylic tub offers many advantages, it’s essential to weigh the costs & upfront expenses against the average lifespan and maintenance requirements. This way, you can make a well-informed decision about which tub is best for your home.

